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08.12.2013, 22:50

Упражнение 95
А 1. some, some, some, some, some. 2. some, any. 3. any, any. 4. any. 5. some, some, some, some; any, any. 6. any. 7. no.
В 1. some / no. 2. any. 3. some / no. 4. any, some. 5. any, any. 6. any, some. 7. any, some. 8. any, some. 9. some. 10. no. 11. any. 12. any, some. 13. no.
Упражнение 96
1. any. 2. some. 3. some. 4. any. 5. no. 6. some / no. 7. any. 8. no. 9. some. 10. any. 11. no. 12. some.
13. some. 14. some. 15. some. 16. some. 17. any, some. 18. any. 19. some / no. 20. no.
Упражнение 97
1. no. 2. some, some. 3. any, any. 4. some. 5. some / no. 6. any. 7. . 8. any. 9. some /no. 10. any. 11. ., . .
12. some. 13. ., . .14. some. 15. . .16. any. 17. some. 18. any. 19. some. 20. . .21. any, some. 22. . .
Упражнение 98
1. everything. 2. anything. 3. something. 4. nothing, something. 5. anything, nothing. 6. anything; everything. 7. anything. 8. everything. 9. anything. 10. nothing. 11. something. 12. anything. 13. everything.   something.
Упражнение 99
1. anything. 2. everything. 3. something. 4. everything. 5. anything. 6. nothing. 7. anything; nothing.
8. something. 9. anything, something. 10. something. 11. everything. 12. something. 13. anything. 14. nothing.
Упражнение 100
1. anybody. 2. everybody. 3. somebody; nobody. 4. everybody; eve-rybody. 5. somebody. 6. nobody.
 7. anybody. 8. everybody. 9. anybody. 10. somebody. 11. nobody. 12. anybody. 13. everybody. 14. anybody. 15. somebody. 16. nobody. 17. somebody. 18. somebody. 19. nobody. 20. anybody. 21. anybody. 22. everybody.
Упражнение 101
1. any. 2. no. 3. anything. 4. any. 5. anything. 6. any. 7. anybody. 8. any. 9. nobody. 10. anything.
11. anything, anything.
Упражнение 102
1. They have done nothing. They haven’t done anything. Have they done anything? 2. He has given them no money. He hasn’t given them any money. Has he given them any money? 3. You have brought noth-ing for us. You haven’t brought anything for us. Have you brought any-thing for us? 4. I have taken no English books from you. I haven’t taken any English books from you. Have I taken any English books from you? 5. She was reading nothing. She wasn’t reading anything. Was she reading anything? 6. He has written no letters to anybody. He hasn’t written a letter to anybody. Has he written a letter to anybody? 7. Nobody by the name of Petrov lives on the third floor. Does anybody by the name of Petrov live on the third floor? 8. They have no English books. They haven’t (got) any English books. Have they (got) any Eng-lish books?
9. There are no tall trees in front of their house. There aren’t any tall trees in front of their house. Are there any tall trees in front of their house? 10. Peter has nothing in his box. Peter hasn’t anything in his box. Has Peter anything in his box? 11. There are no parks in this town. There aren’t any parks in this town. Are there any parks in this town? 12. There are no good bookshops in our district. There aren’t any good bookshops in our district. Are there any good bookshops in our district?
Упражнение 103
1. I didn’t say anything. (I said nothing). Not a word. 2. Everybody wanted to get Yuri Gagarin’s autograph. 3. Everything I have belongs to you. 4. Is there anybody in the canteen? 5. There is nobody in the garden. 6. Is there  anybody in our room? 7. There is somebody there. 8. There is nobody there. 9. Is there anybody in the library? 10. Is there anything be-hind the curtain? . No, there is nothing there. 11. There is something in the bag. 12. Is there anybody in the house? . Yes, there is somebody there. 13. Is there anything under the table? . Yes, there is something there. 14. There is nothing there. 15. Is there anybody in the doctor’s consulting room? . No, there is nobody there. 16. There are some books in English in our library. 17. Are there any books by Jack London in your library? 18. My uncle wants to tell me something. 19. The next day my brother  knew everybody. 20. If you want to eat something, go to the din-ing car. 21. Tell us everything about your journey.
Упражнение 104
1. some, any. 2. no. 3. something. 4. any. 5. no /some, some / no. 6. anything, nothing. 7. anything. 8. nobody. 9. somebody / nobody. 10. anybody. 11. any, something, some. 12. anybody, any. 13. some. 14. anybody.
Упражнение 105
1. anywhere. 2. somewhere. 3. nowhere. 4. everywhere. 5. anywhere. 6. anywhere; somewhere. 7. anywhere. 8. somewhere, anywhere, every-where. 9. somewhere. 10. anywhere. 11. somewhere. 12. anywhere, somewhere. 13. everywhere.
Упражнение 106
1. Kate isn’t here. We’ve looked for her everywhere, but we can’t find her anywhere. Has anybody seen Kate? . Here she is. Nobody knows anything about her and she is sitting on a bench reading a book. 2. There is something round on the table. What is it? 3. Nobody knows anything about it. 4. There are many parks in the town. There are trees and flowers everywhere. 5. There is somebody in that room. 6. Ann lives somewhere in this district. 7. I don’t know anybody in this town. 8. Give me something to eat, please. 9. Does anybody know our teacher’s address? 10. Everything is all right. 11. Does anybody want to watch TV? 12. We heard this song everywhere. 13. He is somewhere in the garden.
Упражнение 107
а) 1. some. 2. no. 3. any. 4. no. 5. no. 6. some.
b) 1. nobody. 2. nobody/ somebody. 3. somebody/ nobody. 4. any-body.
c) 1. anywhere. 2. somewhere. 3. anywhere, nowhere.
Упражнение 108
1. everything, nothing. 2. something. 3. nothing. 4. everything. 5. some, some. 6. some. 7. some, nothing. 8. no. 9. anything, anybody, something. 10. anybody. 11. everybody. 12. no. 13. any. 14. any, any-thing, every. 15. nobody. 16. everybody / everything.
Упражнение 109
1. anything, anything, nothing, nothing, anything, nothing, anything, anybody.
2. everybody, some, some, anything, nothing.
3. everybody, some, some, anything, anybody, nothing, nobody.
4. everything, everything, nobody.
5. anywhere, nowhere.
Упражнение 110
1. any, any. 2. anything, no, some, some. 3. any, any, no. 4. any, no / some. 5. no. 6. anything. 7. no / some. 8. any, any, no. 9. some /no. 10. anything, nothing. 11. any. 12. any. 13. some. 14. anybody. 15. any. 16. any. 17. nobody, anything. 18. no / some.
Упражнение 111
1. the butter. 2. some. 3. any. 4. . .5. no. 6. some. 7. the jam. 8. . 9. the bacon. 10. any. 11. . .12. . .
13. the soup. 14. some. 15. the soup.. 16. some. 17. the /some wa-ter.. 18. . .19. . .20. no. 21. the soap.
22. the soap. 23. . .24. . .25. the paper.. 26. some. 27. . .
Упражнение 112
1. a) some, some.
b) a, the.
2. a) some.
b) the.
c) .
3. a) .
b) some.
4. a) .
b) some.
c) the.
5. a) some.
b) the
c) some.
6. a) a.
b) the.
Упражнение 113
1. the bedroom., a little beside table., a chair..over the chair. 2. .is the book.. 3. A man saw a boat on the river. 4. give me a match? 5..get long letters.only postcards. 6. some. 7. ..did the lesson.. 8. .go to school..9.. a piece of bread. 10.like cucumbers? 11. some, the. 12..use pencils or pens. 13. .reading a book.into the room. 14. some. 15. .will the meeting begin? 16..find English diffi-cult? 17..got a letter.. 18..had bread and butter and an egg for break-fast..
Упражнение 114
1. no, the fridge; some. 2. any. 3. some. 4. the books, the library. 5. any, the shop. 6..was snow on the ice. 7. a house. have windows. 8. like music. 9. some, some. 10. some. 11. Cats like milk. 12..in front of the house. 13. the way, the station. 14. the name, the street. 15. some. 16. the tea. 17. the sun, the sky. 18. no, the vase, the children, the / some apples, the vase. 19. .had fish . 20. some. 21. a cup of cof-fee after dinner.
Категория: Голиццынский | Добавил: alexlat
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