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ИНФИНИТИВ _Упр. 363 по 373 _ключи
08.12.2013, 22:48

Упражнение 363
1. to; 2. . ; 3. . ; 4. . ; 5. to; 6. to; 7. . ; 8. to; 9. . ; 10. to; 11. to; 12. to; 13. . ; 14. . ; 15. . ; 16. to; 17. to; 18. . ; 19. to; . ; 20. to; 21. . ; 22. to; 23. to; 24. to; 25. . ; 26. to ; 27. to.
Упражнение 364
1. . something to warm you up. 2. brush for you to clean your teeth with. 3 . facts to prove that your theory is correct. 4. . some-thing to rub on your hands. 5. .. screws for you to fasten the shelves to the wall. 6. . tablets to relieve your headache. 7. . articles to be translated for tomorrow. 8. . something to write with. 9. . a book to read now. 10. . problem to be considered / for us to consider. 11. .. brothers to take care of. 12. .. books to read. 13. . anybody to help you with your spelling. 14. . a baby to take care of. 15. . noth-ing to say on this subject. 16. . nothing for him to do. 17. . minutes to explain these words to you. 18. ... examination to take soon. 19. . knights to serve him.
Упражнение 365
1. She is too fat to wear this dress now. 2. The accident was too terrible to talk about. 3. They were too empty-headed to learn. 4. The window was too dirty to see through. 5. She was too foolish to under-stand my explanation. 6. I have too little wool to make a sweater. 7. The problem is too difficult to solve. 8. The box is too heavy to carry. 9. The baby is too little to walk. 10. He is too weak to lift this weight. 11. She is too busy to talk with you. 12. She was too inatten-tive to notice the mistake. 13. The rule was too difficult for them to understand. 14. He was too stupid to see the joke.
Упражнение 366
1. To begin with, she opened all the windows. 2. My neighbour is dif-ficult to deal with. 3. To tell you the truth, I am very tired. 4. His behav-iour leaves much to be desired. 5. To put it mildly, you surprised me. 6. These children are pleasant to look at. 7. To cut a long story short, they got married. 8. The most famous book by Jerome is "Three Men in a Boat, to Say Nothing of the Dog." 9. You are hard to please. 10. To say the least of it, we were surprised. 11. To put it mildly, she was impolite. 12. Your work leaves much to be desired. 13. To tell you the truth, I don’t like boxing. 14. Your sister is hard to please. 15. To begin with, I am busy. 16. He was pleasant to look at. 17. To cut a long story short, he did not pass the examination. 18. We were all glad, to say nothing of Mother: she said it was the happiest day in her life. 19. Your composition leaves much to be desired. 20. It is very strange, to say the least of it.
Упражнение 367
1. To tell the truth, I don’t like it. 2. They had nothing to eat. 3. Who is to blame? 4. To cut a long story short, he hasn’t done his homework. 5. Mother is always the first to get up in the family. 6. She is pleasant to look at. 7. To translate this article, you must use a dictionary. 8. In sum-mer I have nowhere to go. 9. It was out of the question to bathe in this river. 10. He had nobody to discuss this problem with. 11. Yesterday Kate was the last to come to school. 12. To get a good mark you must work hard. 13. She is difficult to deal with. 14. What is to be done? 15. To begin with, he is ill. 16. To read Dickens in the original, you must know the language well. 17. To put it mildly, he is wrong. 18. She was not to blame. 19. The child has nobody to play with. 20. To see is to be-lieve. 21. To catch this train you would hurry. 22. It is out of the question to buy a car this year. 23. The book leaves much to be desired.
Упражнение 368
1. Его самым большим удовольствием было играть в шахматы. 2. Ребенок не любил, когда его мыли. 3. Не правда ли, это естест-венно, что мы любим, когда нас хвалят, и не любим, когда нас ругают? 4. Что более приятно: делать подарки или получать их? 5. У природы есть много секретов, которые предстоит открыть. 6. Чтобы улучшить ваше произношение, вам следует записывать и анализи-ровать вашу речь. 7. Это книга, которую надо прочитать во время летних каникул. 8. Проходить обучение у такого хорошего специа-листа было большим преимуществом. 9. Он очень забывчив, но не любит, когда ему напоминают о его обязанностях.
Упражнение 369
1. Ребенок был счастлив, что его привели домой. 2. Джейн вспомнила, что ей много рассказывали о мистере Рочестере. 3. Дети были в восторге оттого, что их привели в цирк.4. Мне жаль, что я испортил Вам настроение. 5. Мэгги была очень расстроена тем, что забыла покормить кроликов. 6. Я ужасно рад, что встретил Вас. 7. Простите, что поставил Вас в такое неприятное положение. 8. Я очень счастлив, что имел удовольствие познакомиться с Вами. 9. Я сожалею, что заставил Вас ждать. 10. Клайд был ужасно рад, что во-зобновил свое знакомство с Сондрой. 11. Извините, что я не заметил Вас. 12. Я сожалею, что добавил Вам неприятностей тем, что рас-сказал. 13. Когда Клайд посмотрел на девушку внимательнее, он вспомнил, что видел ее в компании Сондры. 14. Я вспомнил, что был растроган сценой, которую видел.
Упражнение 370
1. It is certain to rain if you don’t take your umbrella. 2. Don’t prom-ise to do it if you are not sure that you can. 3. He was happy to be praised by everybody. 4. He was very proud to have helped his elder brother. 5. She was sorry to have missed the beginning of the concert. 6. I am glad to see all my friends here. 7. I was afraid to go past that place alone. 8. My sister will be thrilled to be wearing a dress as lovely as that. 9. We must wait to hear the examination results. 10. She is happy to have found such a nice place to live in. 11. I would be de-lighted to join you. 12. He hopes to know everything by tomorrow.
Упражнение 371
1. to read; 2. to be reading; 3. to have been reading; 4. to have read; 5. to be; 6. to be helped; 7. to have been playing; 8. to have done; 9. to have been working; 10. to have broken; 11. to take; 12. to be taken; 13. to help; 14. to be helped; 15. to see.
Упражнение 372
1. to be quarrelling; 2. to have been working; 3. to be heard; 4. to be lost; to find; to have been dropped; 5. to have been waiting; 6. to be bothering; to be given; 7. to appear; to be talked; 8. to tell; to know; 9. to earn; to be read; not to be forgotten; 10. to have been; to have seen; 11. to know; to have spent; 12. to have overthrown; to be advancing; 13. to be reading; not to have heard; 14. to be looking; 15. to have been snowing.
Упражнение 373
1. I am glad to have told you this story. 2. I am glad to have been told this story. 3. I want to introduce you to this actress. 4. I want to be intro-duced to this actress. 5. I am glad to have met her at the station. 6. I am glad to have been met at the station. 7. We are happy to have invited him to the party. 8. We are happy to have been invited to the party. 9. He will be happy to visit this famous picture gallery. 10. He was happy to have visited this famous picture gallery. 11. Children like to be told fairy tales. 12. I did not intend to stop at this station. 13. I did not expect to be stopped. 14. I am sorry to have caused you so much trouble. 15. He can-not stand to be told lies. 16. I remembered to have come across this word in some book. 17. I am very sorry to have missed this interesting lecture. 18. She is happy to have heard the concert of the famous Italian conduc-tor. 19. She is glad to have been present at the lecture. 20. He is very glad to have finished his book. 21. Our sportsmen are proud to have won the cup. 22. I only want to be allowed to help you. 23. I was grateful to have been given a room with a large window. 24. He was happy to have re-turned home. 25. He was happy to be at home again. 26. I am sorry to have interrupted you. 27. I am sorry not to have found you at home. 28. Jane was happy to be leaving Mrs. Reed. 29. Rochester was glad to meet Jane. 30. Rochester was glad to have met Jane.
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